Saturday 21 May 2011

Holiday Style? No bother.

Heading away on a well deserved break, whether it be to Connemara in Ireland's wild west or to a sunny hot spot in the Mediterranean brings with it a challenge. To see how much fun and relaxation you can cram into a week? Well there is that, but also there is the challenge of what to pack to wear?

It's tricky. Personally, I have always either taken away too many items or too little. I end up with too many tops and not enough shorts..or shoes that don't go with anything I've packed.This year I came up with a clever plan and I can happily say it worked like a dream.

I simply planned what I would wear each day of my vacation, from head to toe, before I left home.
For ten days away, I packed ten day outfits and ten evening outfits. I matched up each look the night before my trip, down to what underwear I would wear. Then the key part, I took a photo of each outfit with my digital camera.

This may seem quite anal but turns out it was the perfect solution to having no dress related headaches while abroad. I laid each outfit on my bed and took a photo, my memory wouldn't remember each look,but I trust my cameras brain, photos will last much longer!

It was also important that I packed each outfit together in it's own bundle so as soon as I opened my case I could grab the outfit and pop it on. As each day passed the items did get a bit jumbled up. One particular night when my bag was looking very messy I thought ughhh what am I going to I simply clicked through my camera.. 'ah yes perfect! that little number will do tonight!' And I plucked each piece from my miniature closet.

I indulged in bringing two pairs of wedges, one set of heels, a sandal and flip flops for the beach. All of which I made sure would go with at least one of the outfits I was packing! If you have limited space I'd recommend one pair of wedges and one pair of flip flops, then wear a pair of pumps/runners ( depending on your choice of style) on the way to your destination, that way each look is covered.

There are of course the essentials to bring away. The following questions will niggle in your head as you pack - Will it be hot? Will it be cold? You don't think it could rain?

So you should really pack..
  • One pair of jeans
  • At least two bikini's
  • One long-sleeved top / long sleeve cardie for the cool evenings
  • A jacket
  • A hat
  • Pajamas/sexy nightie - depending on who you're travelling with and how warm you'd like to be as the air conditioning blasts at your bed!

There are plenty of looks of course that easily transform from day to night, such as this red strapless dress.
I picked it up for five euro in an Indian run boutique in Tralee, Co Kerry..! For daytime wear, I had the option to wear it with flip flops, for night I painted my lips with MAC's finest Red lipstick and strapped my feet into my red polka dot wedges.

Bringing two outfits for each day is what I do because I love clothes and changing into different outfits.
It's also a good idea if you're a bit of a messy eater like I am. All sorts from hot chocolate to pollen dusting off flowers end up on my clothes so I need spares to change into like a little sloppy baby.

I wouldn't bother with fake tan heading away to sunny spots. I know many many people are afraid of the paleness of their skin. I thought I'd put a little on so I wouldn't look so pasty for my first couple days. The first day I arrived, I swam in the sea and the harsh sea water blasted every bit of tan off! So it was pointless. Scrub the tan off, embrace your pale self and let your skin breath for those few days. It probably could do with the break and your skin is beautiful the colour it is right now.

Most importantly just wear what you like, whatever makes you happy, because you're setting off on your well deserved holiday, so feeling happy is what it's all about. Chances are you'll never see your holiday pals you befriend by the pool again or that Spanish waiter who keeps giving you the eye..(damn.)
And as the locals gawk disgustedly at you as you cannon ball off a cliff into the sea in your 1950's inspired yellow polka dot bikini....somewhere off the west coast of Ireland..Just shout at them to take a photo, It'll last longer!

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